Best way to get rid of armpit odor

Strong armpit odor haunts many people. Going out with friends or lovers with a strong odor coming out of your armpit will make you feel embarrassed and lose your self-confidence. When you approach your friends, you don’t want them to notice the smell and it makes the interaction awkward. Bad armpit odor can definitely ruin your day. There are reasons why people have strong armpit odor. It can be caused by stress, spicy foods, poor diet, caffeine and alcohol intake, hormonal changes, hot puberty weather or strenuous exercise and many more. There are ways to get rid of the smell, and the best known is, of course, deodorants. However, deodorants are only a temporary solution, as they only cover up the bad smell. In this article, you will learn Best way to get rid of armpit odor by preventing and applying various home remedies.

What you need to know about armpit odor

If you suffer from many embarrassing situations caused by the smell, rest assured, because you are not alone. There are many people who also have the strong odor coming out of their armpits and all of them, of course, are also eager to know how to get rid of it. Underarm odor is not caused by sweating. In fact, human sweat is odorless. Bacteria are responsible for turning odorless sweat into an unbearably stinky smell. Bacteria multiply using our sweat, armpit sweat. This multiplication produces keratin proteins and makes armpit sweat feel.

How to get rid of underarm odor?

Armpit odor can be kept at bay. There are two main ways to get rid of odors. The first is through prevention. Prevention of stinky armpit odor is mainly about hygiene and lifestyle. The second is through home remedies. Remedies can be done as a preventative, however, especially applied remedies, as you already have the problem of armpit odor.

Best way to get rid of armpit odor

1. Change your lifestyle

Certain lifestyles can cause underarm odor. From your hygiene to the health of your diet. If you only shower once every other day, chances are your body will smell underarm odor. Therefore, daily showering is essential to get rid of underarm odor. Try to shower once a day, even if you’re tired or don’t have enough time. The shower keeps your body cool throughout the day and keeps odors away from your armpits. If you are an active person, taking a shower is very effective in preventing underarm odor. Showering after a long day or after a workout at the gym will prevent bad body odor. Just in case, if showering a day doesn’t help, try showering twice a day. Use an antibacterial soap for best results. High-fat foods and strong-smelling foods can cause body odor. They can seep through your pores and smell like sweat. In fact, these foods are already listed as foods that can cause bad body odor. Foods rich in magnesium and zinc can also neutralize body odor. These foods include fruits, grains, and vegetables such as parsley, alfalfa, spinach, lentils, avocados, bananas, and other green foods. Indeed, spinach is highly recommended to neutralize bad smells. Correcting your diet will help you overcome overweight and obesity. The diet will decrease tension in the body and this will lead to a decrease in body sweat. And then, as you know, the bacteria will also decrease. Therefore, armpit odor will no longer be your concern. source : Best way to get rid of armpit odor

Avoid alcohol and caffeine

It will be difficult to avoid alcohol and caffeine if you are already addicted. However, if these drinks are the main cause of your foul odor, consider avoiding them. You really don’t want drinking alcohol and caffeinated beverages to distract you from what you love. You might like your breakfast or your beer glasses, but if you really want to get rid of underarm odors, start avoiding them as soon as possible. The tobacco in cigarettes is known to cause body odor and armpit odor. Quitting this habit not only keeps armpit odor away but also keeps your body healthy. There’s a reason cigarette cases are written with a “kills the smoke” warning.

2. Wear natural fiber clothing

Sweat is one of the factors that produce underarm odor. Then, by reducing it, you will have a head start in getting rid of the bad smell. One of the ways to reduce sweating is to wear comfortable clothes. Woolen, silk woolen clothes are comfortable and will make the body less sweaty.

3. Wash your clothes more often

Sweaty clothes will be the best place for bacteria to breed. Wash your daily clothes more often, especially if your body sweats more than normal people. If you’re a gym person, it’s best to wash your gym clothes more often too. You don’t want to go to the gym in smelly gym clothes. Another option is to change clothes more often, with clean clothes. Wearing the same unwashed clothes for days will allow bacteria to live and breed with your clothes and armpits. If you already have bad smells, this will help because even if you shower regularly, wearing the same clothes will cause the smell to return because bacteria still live on unwashed clothes.

4. Stay hydrated

Best way to get rid of armpit odor Water naturally cleanses the human body. Drinking plenty of water will help circulate body fluids and keep the body cool. The best amount of water to drink is at least 9-10 glasses of water a day. Sufficient water also makes the skin moist.

5. Shave your armpit regularly

Women have less underarm odor than men. This is because women shave their armpits more often than men. Since underarm hair is one of the best places for bacteria to settle, shaving will make it difficult for bacteria to breed, especially if you also bathe regularly. It is recommended that you who struggle with underarm odor shave it whenever you can, for the best result.

6. Try some relaxation techniques

Most people sweat when they are not relaxed or stressed. Stress and anxiety will make our body produce sweat more often. Therefore, controlling your mind to relax will relax the reduction in sweating. Some relaxation techniques are doing meditation and yoga. These activities will help you calm your mind. Another technique is to avoid the situation that will cost you your calm. For example, if you’re a punctual person and you’re so afraid of being late, try waking up early so you won’t be late.

7. Apply antiperspirant at bedtime

But why should you apply antiperspirants at bedtime? Its application after the bath is ineffective. Your sweat will wash away the antiperspirant before the product works. Applying at bedtime will help the product work, especially if you don’t sweat while sleeping. Find deodorants that contain antiperspirant because deodorants only mask odor, while antiperspirant reduces sweating, a major cause of armpit odor.

8. Keep your armpits dry

Yes, it’s pretty obvious. Dry armpits will prevent bacteria from breeding. So how do you keep it dry? First, you can just weep with tissue paper. Obviously a lot of tissue paper will be needed in hot climates, but it’s worth a try. Second, you can stay in an air-conditioned room. The cold temperature will help you sweat a lot.

9. Home remedies

There are so many home remedies you can use to get rid of armpit odor. It mainly uses natural ingredients.

Water and hydrogen peroxide

This remedy aims to kill bacteria using hydrogen peroxide. All you have to do is mix 1 teaspoon of peroxide to 1 cup of water. Then, wipe it under your armpits using a cloth. Apply for a while to reduce bacteria. Best way to get rid of armpit odor You can also clean hydrogen peroxide directly from the armpit. This home remedy also works for other body odors such as feet and groin. Iodine has been recommended to combat stinky underarm odor. First you need to apply iodine, then rub it in with a soft brush. Leave the iodine on for 5 minutes and then you can shower as usual. It is claimed that after applying this remedy for a while, you may no longer need to use deodorant.

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)

Apple cider vinegar is also considered the best deodorant substitute. Contains antibacterial properties that reduce the pH of underarm skin. This will prevent them from multiplying and thus the armpit odor will disappear. You can apply this remedy by wiping the vinegar under your armpits with a cotton ball. Best way to get rid of armpit odor This remedy can also be applied through a spray bottle. Mix the vinegar with water in the spray bottle and apply it to the armpits. Remember not to apply vinegar right after shaving your armpit or when your skin is broken. And make sure you’re not allergic to apple cider vinegar. There are ways to make home remedies with baking soda. First, you can mix baking soda and 1 tbsp lemon juice each. Then apply under the armpits. Let the medicine do its job for a while. Then you can rinse your armpits with clean water. Second, you can mix baking soda with a small amount of cornstarch and, of course, apply it under your armpits. This type of remedy will reduce excessive sweating. Third, you can use baking soda paste and add some water. This remedy is best if applied after bathing. You can add tea tree oil to give the paste a nice scent. Best way to get rid of armpit odor Generally, baking soda can kill bacteria and reduce sweating. Lavender oil is also useful for fighting underarm odor. It is generally used as an essential oil to cure various skin problems. You can apply it by wiping the oil directly onto the underarm skin or you can use a spray bottle. Make sure you are not allergic to this oil before you consider applying it. Also, there are many other home remedies that you can find to get rid of armpit odor.

10. Talk to the professional

If all of the above tips fail to get rid of armpit odor from your body, it might be time to see a doctor. There are people born with excessive sweating, called hyperhidrosis, that needs treatment. Sometimes it’s also caused by medical issues, so it really needs professional attention. For example, people with kidney or liver problems are more likely to have strong armpit odor. Obviously, the smell does not disappear just by applying the above methods. Another option to get rid of bad professional odor is open surgery. A procedure called superficial liposuction curettage can remove sweat glands from your body. The surgery is actually more risky, but the result certainly lasts longer. Then there is Clostridium botulinum, proposed for cosmetic surgery. This procedure injects botox into the armpit. Botox will prevent the brain from reaching the sweat glands in the armpit. However, the procedure does not provide a permanent result. Approximately the effect will last only 2-8 months. After that, you have to spend more money to re-inject the botox. This is how you get rid of armpit odor. Be sure to contact your doctor if none of this works. Was this article helpful to you? If so, share on social media with your friends.