How to stop armpit odor

how to stop armpit odor

The physiological phenomenon of perspiration regulates and maintains body temperature at 37°C. Sweating is followed by an awkward odor due to prolonged contact with the skin. The micro bacteria developing on the moist areas of the body feed on them and create bad odors. Here are tips The physiological phenomenon of perspiration regulates and maintains body temperature at 37°C. Sweating is followed by an awkward odor due to prolonged contact with the skin. The micro bacteria developing on the moist areas of the body feed on them and create bad odors. Here are tips how to stop armpit odor.

Quick reminder: what is sweating?

Sweat is produced to expel excess water from the body and prevent overheating. Excess heat is removed by evaporation. Bacteria on the skin feed on the released sweat and produce chemicals that cause unpleasant odors. A human produces almost a liter of sweat daily. Depending on the outside temperature, the level of stress or the physical activity practiced, this figure can go up to 10 liters per day. Sweat itself is odorless. It is the bacteria that consume it that produce the unpleasant odors.

Sweating is necessary to protect the body, but also to rid it of its toxins. In addition to its function of thermoregulation, sweat also has a role of elimination, both essential for the proper functioning of the body. When underarm sweating is excessive and accompanied by excessive hairiness or other factors, it may be accompanied by an unpleasant odor.

how to stop armpit odor

Perspiration creates halos under the armpits often accompanied by bad odors when it is hot. Following a few simple tips helps reduce the discomfort caused by sweating.

Dress properly

The first thing to do when the body starts to sweat is to cool it with a fan or a fan. To improve the ventilation of the body, it is advisable to dress according to the outside temperature. Loose and light clothes offer better ventilation and good regulation of body temperature. Cotton, linen, silk and wool are to be preferred, unlike synthetic materials which contain body heat between the skin and the fabric.

Have impeccable hygiene

Impeccable hygiene solves the worry of unpleasant odors at the source by eliminating the bacteria that cause them. It is advisable to shower once a day and after each sports activity to reduce the proliferation of bacteria. Drying the skin well also avoids the development of the latter, which particularly appreciate moist areas. Hair being breeding grounds for bacteria, it is recommended to wax or shave if hygiene is not enough.

Eat properly

Certain foods including spices, onion and garlic give a strong odor to naturally odorless sweat. Others like citrus fruits, once passed under the arm, limit the proliferation of bacteria. It is better to favor lukewarm drinks than those that are too hot or too cold. Indeed, the latter risk disrupting the body which will tend to produce the opposite result to that sought. Alcohol, beer, coffee and tobacco should be avoided or at least limited, as they promote perspiration by increasing body temperature.

Use antiperspirant or deodorant
The deodorant fights against unpleasant odors and compared to sprays, the sticks last longer. The antiperspirant, for its part, limits perspiration by tightening the pores of the skin and preventing the escape of heat. As a precaution, it is advisable to avoid their use on shaved or depilated skin that may have microlesions.


Stress promotes sweating and it is necessary to learn how to manage emotions to limit sweating. Yoga, meditation or sophrology are all relaxation techniques to try.

Wax your armpits

Sweat is 99% water and 1% amino acids, protein or urea. The components in the latter percentage are responsible for the unpleasant smell. This characteristic odor only appears when bacteria under the arms break down sweat. It is also linked to the hairs that must be removed to remedy the smell of perspiration.

Natural solutions to eliminate perspiration odors
Several natural remedies serve as effective alternatives for bad odors caused by perspiration.


Since ancient times, sage has been considered a plant with multiple medicinal properties. Once dried, its leaves are used to eliminate perspiration odors. Just reduce them to powder (2/3) and add a tablespoon of talc (1/3) before applying to the armpits. Sage leaves contain essential oils capable of paralyzing the nerve endings of the sweat glands. As for talc, it absorbs moisture. An infusion of sage leaves is also effective in reducing sweat production.

The lemon

Lemon neutralizes unpleasant odors while limiting the production of sweat thanks to its components. Just rub half of it directly under the armpits or apply the juice with a cotton ball.

The aloe vera

Aloe vera has antiseptic, purifying and moisturizing properties. It is perfect for treating excessive sweating and naturally reducing body odor.

The Alum Stone

Antibacterial and astringent, alum stone effectively regulates armpit perspiration. This potassium sulphate-based mineral can be found in organic stores or pharmacies. It should be used sparingly due to its composition rich in aluminum sulphates.

Essential oils

Cypress essential oil mixed with vegetable oil or bath water reduces perspiration. Palmarosa oil is more effective and can be applied directly under the armpits each morning.

Baking soda

The antibacterial action of baking soda is effective in combating odors due to sweating. Mixed with water, this product is applied under the arms. It can be added with lemon juice for more efficiency, but is prohibited after shaving or hair removal.

Radical solutions to eliminate perspiration odors

Sometimes the proposed solutions do not work for some people prone to excessive sweating. This phenomenon can cause more annoying odors and radical solutions are possible.



Iontophoresis is effective in combating excessive sweating of the hands or feet. The operation to be done 3 times a week consists of ionizing the skin by means of weak electrical impulses. Simply immerse the limbs in a basin of ionized water which sends light electric currents for about twenty minutes. This solution is the least risky, but also the least expensive and must be carried out punctually.