What exactly is hypochondriac?

What exactly is hypochondriac?

Simple ants in their arms are enough to persuade them that they are having a heart attack. A migraine ? It’s bound to be a brain tumor. 8.5 million French people say they are hypochondriacs. If you are part of it, we give you the instructions to get out of this infernal spiral.

At the slightest injury, they believe they are suffering from a serious and incurable disease. From scanner to MRI, from oncologist to pulmonologist, they fill the waiting rooms of specialists. 13% of the French say they are hypochondriacs: all the doctors can hammer them that they have nothing, that everything is fine, they do not believe them, their fear does not dissipate. “My illness, my dear illness, what would I be without you?” Some laugh at it, but hypochondria causes pain and isolates those who suffer from it. The good news is that it is possible to get out of this one-on-one with the disease.


FALSE. Even if the pathologies are imagined, hypochondria is a very serious psychological disorder . ” It is absolutely not comedy, insists Antoine Spath, clinical psychologist. The person perceives in an extreme way each of the sensations of his body, and develops a disproportionate concern for his health. It is an anxiety centered on the body. . ” By misinterpreting a small pain or physical discomfort – a point in the side, a pain in the arm, a fever … -, the person rehashes dark scenarios, in which the worst is always to come.

The perception of these signals is very real, it is the interpretation which is made of them which is erroneous. ” The anguish sets in , and increases exponentially.” Although these symptoms are very mild, and very classic. Even if they disappear as quickly as they appeared.


TRUE. ” In reality, there is a little hypochondria in almost everyone”, explains our expert. Who, in fact, has not one day worried about having something serious? We are all concerned about our health, to different degrees. “But in the case of a true hypochondriac, the concern persists, for at least 6 months, despite a complete and reassuring medical assessment. Even if a doctor proves to him by A + B that there is nothing abnormal , he will remain convinced that his symptoms are hiding something serious. ” It is this persistence of anxiety around the body that makes it possible to consider making the diagnosis of hypochondria. This serious form, known as “delusional hypochondria”, only affects 1% of the population.

Every day, a hypochondriac scrutinizes the slightest unusual sensations in his body. And all the evils in the world are invented, because the smallest anomaly is necessarily a harbinger of the worst. The fear of being sick becomes obsessive . Above all, unlike the “simple” anxious, the hypochondriac gives no credit to medical discourse.


TRUE. The origins of hypochondria are diverse, and often go back to childhood. Some had parents who took them to the doctor at the slightest injury, creating a feeling of vulnerability and insecurity with regard to their body. Hypochondria can also be a way to protect yourself from death: as long as you suffer, you are alive. ” Often, hypochondria is declared following a traumatic or painful episode of life,” says Antoine Spath. Like having witnessed the serious illness or sudden death of a loved one. It can trigger deep fears. Hypochondria can also be maintained by the attention that the interested party thus obtains from those around him. Because it


TRUE. Hippocrates (born around 460 BC) already mentioned hypochondria. But with the Internet, this neurosis has a bright future ahead of it. Between two consultations, hypochondriacs can now compulsively consult medical information. Because at the slightest suspicious sign, hypochondriacs type their symptoms on Google. And the results are rarely reassuring for those concerned, who will choose the worst case scenario each time. The internet is not the only culprit. The over-media coverage of diseases, repeated health scandals, medical TV series have led many French people to maintain a new relationship with their body. And pushes some, already anxious, to switch to the wrong side of the barrier.


FALSE. There are concrete solutions to get rid of this pervasive disorder. By identifying the cause, psychotherapy helps to go halfway to recovery. You still have to want to be cured, which is not the case for all hypochondriacs … Cognitive behavioral therapy can also be useful in defusing problematic behaviors and negative thoughts. For example, if not stop, at least reduce excessive medical consultations. “Yoga, relaxation, hypnosis are all tools to reduce anxiety.”The regular practice of a sport has the same effect, and also allows to divert the attention from its obsession. The patient will be able to keep a fragility, an anxiety stronger than normal. But he will no longer be overwhelmed by anguish.


And the relatives in all this? Amused at first, they often end up, over time, by falling into incomprehension, weariness, then rejection, anger. To help a close hypochondriac, you have to play the balancing act. “They must not show excessive benevolence, not be accomplices, at the risk of encouraging hypochondria,” warns Antoine Spath. They shouldn’t be laughing at either. Because psychological suffering is real. The best thing to do is to maintain some neutrality. And to encourage them, kindly, to go see a psychologist. To finally take care of their psychological health, and not just their physical health.

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